7 Step Fundraising Process
7 Step Fundraising Process
Southwest Beverages® takes a comprehensive approach to its fundraising business firmly believing that each fundraising event is unique in, and, of itself. Accordingly, we have spent considerable time and money designing our proprietary, copyrighted seven-step fundraising process. We believe this seven-step process offers your organization the highest probability of achieving its fundraising objectives while, at the same time, minimizing your organization’s involvement in the process.
Step 1
Financial Objective Calculation
The first step in a successful fundraiser is to determine your financial objective. Using our proprietary, copyrighted financial objective workpaper and Event Profit Calculator you will quickly, and easily, determine your financial objective, the volume of Southwest Beverages® products needed to fund your objective and the number of selling participants.
Step 2
Broadcast Announcement Preparation
A critical element to the success of your fundraiser is to broadcast to your potential contributors the purpose of the fundraising event, its financial objective, the time-period for the event and the products to be offered. We will work with you to prepare your custom broadcast announcement. Your involvement in this process will be minimal, as Southwest Beverages® has extensive experience in drafting broadcast announcements.
Step 3
Preparation of Potential Donor E-mail lists.
The communication of your Broadcast Announcement to your potential donors will be through e-mails. Accordingly, it is your responsibility to prepare this e-mail list. Southwest Beverages® will provide you with the e-mail format. Unless you wish to send out your own e-mail blast, Southwest Beverages® will provide this service at our cost. Your involvement in this process will be minimal, as Southwest Beverages® has extensive experience in sending e-
mail blasts. The broadcast announcement will consist of two attachments, each prepared by Southwest Beverages®:
(1) Product Offering Descriptions
(2) Sell Sheet
Step 4
Sales Summary Report
Unlike most fundraising organizations that leave the dreaded task of summarizing participant’s volumes and funds collected to their own creation, Southwest Beverages® will prepare the Sales Summary Report for you so that your involvement in this process will be reduced to:
(1) e-mailing us your order takers completed Sell Sheets and
(2) reviewing the Sales Summary Report. Southwest Beverages® has extensive experience in summarizing fundraising results.
Step 5
Sales Order Form
Southwest Beverages® will use the Sales Summary Report information to generate its Sales Order Form. Again, your involvement in this process is minimal, reduced to reviewing the order form.
Step 6
Thank You Announcement
To lay a solid foundation for future fundraising events, it is extremely important that you acknowledge each of your contributing members. Accordingly, we will work with you to prepare your custom thank you announcement. Again, your involvement in this process will be minimal, as Southwest Beverages® has extensive experience in drafting broadcast thank you announcements.
Step 7
Product Distribution
Southwest Beverages® will timely deliver your order to the address provided on the Sales Order Form. Most orders will be delivered within three weeks of order placement. All products will be clearly marked as to brand and flavor. It is your responsibility to sub-divide this order to your respective order takers, for their distribution to your donors. Southwest Beverages® will supply a product distribution bag (shopping bag) for each donor.