FundRaising Program


One of the best in the industry, Southwest Beverages® fundraising program is world-class, comprehensive in nature, professionally managed and administrated by passionate employees. We will work with you during the entire fundraising process, from the creation of your custom designed action plan, to its implementation, to ensure that your event is a success and your financial objective is achieved.

“Southwest Beverages® only considers your fundraising event to be successful when your organization has achieved their fundraising objective and EVERY customer is pleased with their purchase.”

Robert D. Jenkins, Founder

If your organization has been frustrated with the low amount of funds generated from its previous fundraising events, then I would like you to consider becoming affiliated with Southwest Beverages®. We will meet, or exceed, your organizations fundraising objective because we offer premium quality hot cocoa mix and flavored gourmet coffee beverages that are in high demand. Our Sippity® gourmet hot cocoa mix and our Kemosabe® gourmet flavored, high quality coffee products are indeed a “breath of fresh air” relative to the low yielding typical fundraising ideas offered to your donors in the past-candles, wrapping paper, magazine subscriptions, raffles, car washes, cookie dough, etc.

Contact us for your fundraising samples.